
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

If You See Something, Say Something

One of the things that I find most disturbing about animal welfare is the reluctance of volunteers, donors, staff, and the general public to say something when they see something wrong. Shelter directors will also "circle the wagons" to protect their colleagues. 

A reluctance to speak up about needless shelter killing probably stems from a fear of confrontation, or backlash, or who might "unfriend" you. I'm going to give you a really simple way to decide when to say something.

You don't need to be loyal to a shelter, or a rescue, or a Facebook friend.  Be loyal to the animals. Give credit where credit is due, but don't be silent when you see something wrong. If an animal has been needlessly killed, or is in harm's way,  say something. They are depending on you.

Thank you to all of you who are speaking out. You are saving lives. 

Related Reading: The Litmus Test

"Nothing will "change" if people remain silent when animals are being needlessly killed in shelters. History has proven that!" - Brian Munro


  1. Part of the problem is figuring out who you can say something to. We can complain to each other all we want, complain to our friends, and on facebook, but if the management/board is the problem, what then? That's where I'm at. Our staff is phenomenal, but our board is decades behind, and our ED seems to be doing everything in her power to keep the board in the dark. I know we need a complete board turnover but how to accomplish that without putting lives at risk (much less my employment) is beyond me.

    1. I'm not sure of your specific situation blackcatpack but here are a few things you might want to try:
      1. Make an appointment to talk to to the ED directly.
      2. Make an appointment to talk to the president of the board.
      3. Contact your local alderman or elected official regarding your concerns about the shelter. If the shelter has animal control contracts, then taxpayer dollars are being used to fund it.
      4. Ask to be put on the agenda and then speak for a short 3 minutes at your local town council meeting about your concerns.
      5. Approach your local media about your concerns. Look for an animal friendly reporter with your local newspaper, radio station or tv station.
      6. If you don't have luck with the reporter, write a letter to the editor to be published in the paper.
      7. Approach other members of your community about your concerns. You may be surprised to find that many others may share them.

      Thank you for your concern! Email me privately if you would like to discuss.
